Translation plays an important role in every aspect of our lives, including politics. The phrase “the politics of translation” is often associated with the names of various authors like Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak, books, or ideologies, but it can also refer to the right approach to the translation process.

As it is interesting to see the relations between politics and translations, we will look at the history of the phrase “the politics of translation” and its connotations. For us, however, the most important translation policy is to provide an accurate product that meets our customers' criteria and serves their purposes. It is simple to achieve that with our experienced team of translators and their knowledge, education, expertise, and dedication to the process.


The politics of translation and Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak

If you search for the term “the Politics of Translation,” one of the first results to appear will be related to Spivak. Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak is an Indian scholar, literary theorist, and feminist critic. She has made a significant statement on “the politics of translation” related to the role of translation as an important factor in the feminist agenda and supporting women’s rights. She believes that translation is a way to understand various cultures and languages and then identify the role of women in them. Spivak is well-known for her work in the postcolonial field and engagement with cultural subalternity.

Another important factor for translators associated with Gayatri Spivak is the Translator’s Preface. She introduced the idea in 1967 when she translated the book De la Grammatologie by Jacques Derrida.

Today, Spivak is still an important figure in the translation industry with her “innovative for the time” ideas about the role and importance of translation. She is rightfully related to the term “the politics of translation” since she has clad this notion into a specific meaning.


The politics of translation in international relations

Politics is a term often associated with foreign relations. Since translation acts as a bridge between two different languages and cultures, we need to consider its effect on international relations as well. In their book The Politics of Translation in International Relations by Zeynep Gulsah Capan, Filipe dos Reis, and Maj Grasten, the authors state that “Translation makes international relations.” They see the process as transforming notions, ideas, rules, and challenges from one language into another. Here, the role of the translator is very important as it is up to them to be in the speaker's shoes and act as a political leader themselves. The book deals with the theory and the empirical work of translators who need to transform ideas, struggle to find the right connotations, and often give voice to the powerless or mute the leaders.

It is essential to point out that the work of translators in an international setting is very important. They are responsible for correctly rendering the words into the target language without changing their meaning.

Quite often, translation can improve readability and understanding. The motto of this service can be rendered as: “Stay through to the content but express the meaning in the most suitable words.”


Our “politics” of translation

We have a simplified idea of the notion of “politics” when it comes to translation. To us, it means following certain principles that guarantee the quality of the translation and the satisfaction of the customer and everybody involved in the process. We apply those principles in any service we offer – from website localization to technical document translation, from clinical translation to the latest translation management system (TMS). This is guaranteed by the expertise of our translators, salespeople, and management representatives, who follow the industry's established rules and are simultaneously open to new ideas and suggestions.

Some of the main notions related to a quality translation are:

  • Ensuring coherence with other translated materials
  • Using the proper format (dates, digits, currencies)
  • Including clear references
  • Providing an ISO 17100-compliant workflow process
  • Maintaining an established quality assurance process
  • Guaranteeing visibility and transparency of the work process
  • Following language rules
  • Using the necessary style and format (as per document specifications or customer requirements)
  • Implementing cutting-edge technology

All of these aspects are important, but the secret to high-quality translations lies in establishing and following a company policy that correctly understands both customers' and translators' needs. A good LSP is a company that knows how to keep employees happy and engaged with the process while paying the necessary attention to the customer, who is always right.

A translation vendor needs to win and keep the trust and loyalty of the customer in a way similar to how a politician earns their supporters' votes. Unlike politics, translation always strives to deliver the promised results straightforwardly and transparently.

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