Cost-Effective Translation Solutions

We know you’re seeking to maximize your translation budget. Let us help you by sharing the fees that go into your total translation cost, translation package options, and where quality and speed play a part.
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"Professional, communicative, affordable, and fast. We have worked with Argo Translation before and we will definitely work with them again."

-Weill Cornell Medicine

What's Included in the Total Cost?

Price per Word

Price per Word

Translator, editor, and type of language all determine total cost per word.
Project Fees

Project Fees

Project management, expediting a job, and CMS integrations add to total cost.
Quality Level

Quality Level

Accuracy needs determine cost by how we translate with machine or human.
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About Price per Word

There are a few factors that impact the price per word for translation. We'll dive into those so you understand what they are and how they impact cost.


The cost of the lead translator and the editor can vary based on the difficulty level of the subject and the time frame for completion of the translation.



The supply of linguists in a specific language and the demand for that language impact the price per word. There are more Spanish translators than all other languages combined. This makes Spanish one of the lowest priced languages, compared to Marshallese, a language with very few qualified translators, carrying a much higher price.

project cost

About Project Fees

We provide project management to make your job easy. The work we do gives you peace of mind by ensuring the smooth execution of your project from start to finish.
Project Analysis & Preparation

Project Analysis & Preparation

We save you time and money by optimizing your source files for translation. We identify repetitive content and organize source documents for an optimal workflow.

Project Management

Project Management

The project manager is an extension of your team, managing all the important aspects of the translation process so you don’t have to worry. We work hard to meet your timeline, budget, and quality requirements.

Quality Assurance

Quality Assurance

We review the deliverables to meet your accuracy needs and provide you peace of mind. The project is delivered to you after it passes our rigorous translation review process.

About quality level

About Quality Level

The level of accuracy your project requires impacts cost. The translation solution determines the initial accuracy of the translation. You select which level of quality gives you peace of mind.
Machine Translation (MT)

Machine Translation (MT)

This level of service is simple and fast, but not high quality. It is a very cost-effective solution with no quality guarantee because no human is involved in the translation process.

Machine Translation + Human Editing

Machine Translation + Human Editing

This level of service is fast and more accurate than Machine Translation. This process uses Machine Translation paired with one of our linguists who edits the translation for obvious errors. This level of service carries no guarantee for quality.

One Linguist

One Linguist

This level of service is more accurate and tailored, involving a human translator. One of our qualified translators is matched to your project by language and subject matter expertise. The translator reviews their work for errors and inconsistencies and utilizes your translation memory to match sentences for reuse and cost savings.

Two Linguists

Two Linguists

This level of service offers the highest accuracy. Alongside a human translator, a second human translator edits your project. The editor thoroughly reviews the translation for grammar, typos, technical issues, clarity, tone, and consistency.

bigger agency better translation? image

Bigger Isn't Always Better

Discover the pros and cons of working with a large versus a small translation agency, including cost, bandwidth, specialization, and consistency.

5-Star Argo Certified Translation

Do you need accurate messaging for a multilingual audience? We’re a translation partner who backs up our certification with an accuracy guarantee.

Helpful Translation Articles on Cost

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Why Your Translation Project Is Late & Over Budget - Part 1
Why Your Translation Project Is Late & Over Budget - Part 1
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