Education AI Engine

Our AI engine with human post-editors streamlines your school’s translation process with unmatched speed, precision, and flexibility while complying with federal and state mandates. Currently available in Spanish, this cutting-edge technology is powered by a glossary of over 150,000 education-specific phrases, guaranteeing translations that are both accurate and relevant.

To ensure your school meets state guidelines, we offer customizable post-editing services by certified professionals. Whether you require light human post-editing for routine communications or full human post-editing for critical documents, our solutions ensure that every translation is of the highest quality, compliant, and perfectly tailored to your educational needs.

Why Choose Argo Translation?

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Accelerate the translation of educational materials, cutting turnaround times for critical communications.
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Optimize Cost

Maximize your budget with AI-driven translations—a smart, affordable alternative to traditional methods.
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Leverages an advanced AI model built with a 150k+ sentence glossary and regular updates for accurate, context-aware translations.

Online Translators vs. Education AI Engine

Our trained AI engine outperforms standard online machine translators like Google Translate and DeepL, achieving a quality score of 82 compared to the standard score of 56. 

Compatible Content


Educational Resources

Handbooks, IEPs, and classroom materials contain specialized terminology. Our AI engine, with a glossary of over 150,000 phrases, ensures accurate translations that preserve the full meaning and context of these important documents.

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School Communications

Emails, newsletters, school forms, and pre-recorded audio messages are key for parent engagement. Our AI engine provides rapid translations, keeping parents well-informed and actively involved in their children's education.

Digital platforms

Digital Platforms

Website content, mobile apps, and digital tools are essential for effective communication. Our AI engine delivers precise translations, ensuring digital interactions are clear and accessible, which enhances user engagement and participation. 

Compatiable Content

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IEP forms, student handbooks, newsletters,  presentations, and     more.

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School district websites, Canvas projects, eLearning courses, and more.

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Virtual meetings, promotional videos, audio communications, and more.

How Does it Work?

Interested in learning how our AI engine can transform your school’s educational content, communications, and digital platforms? Schedule a complimentary consultation to see how it can enhance engagement and efficiency for your school.

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Is Your School’s Translation Process Fully Optimized?

Discover how to make your school’s translation process more efficient. Our eBook offers essential strategies for translating parent communications, educational materials, and technical documents. Download now for actionable insights and practical solutions.

Helpful AI Translation Articles

Everything You Need to Know About Machine Translation Post-Editing
Everything You Need to Know About Machine Translation Post-Editing
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Full & Light Machine Translation Post-Editing: What’s the Difference?
Full & Light Machine Translation Post-Editing: What’s the Difference?
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Why Argo Translation Is Now Leveraging AI-Enhanced Machine Translation
Why Argo Translation Is Now Leveraging AI-Enhanced Machine Translation
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How to Improve Efficiency with AI
How to Improve Efficiency with AI
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The Impact of AI on Translation
The Impact of AI on Translation
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Have Questions?

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